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Mega File Hosting Script is an advanced File Hosting Script that allows your customers to upload large files to your server and email the file download link to themselves and other email recipients.
With MFHS, you can setup an advanced file hosting site within minutes and earn profits through showing advertisements on your site and even on download pages.

New features in MFHS v1.2
1. Language system:
Edit language file via webform
Static language page for adsense purpose: Mod-rewrite required. But this feature can be turned off from admin panel.
2. Folder features
Allow guest or member to create folders or not.
Password protection on folders.
Folder manager available.
3. Download promotion feature.
a). How it works:
First, you need create some download rules based on host package and possible download country. X points will be recorded for per download from the download country by member who belong to the host package.
Second, the points will be added togther to get total points for the member. Note: this is not instant, and will be updated per hour.
Third, you need create download promotions based on host package. Members can use his points to upgrade or extend his membership, even exchange money out. All this depend on your setting of promotion.
b). IP to Location by MaxMind.
c). Download rules
Can set download points for per download from download country
Can limit max allowed downloaded size for download country per hour.
d). Use points
upgrade or extend current membership
or payout for downloads
4. Download limition:
a). Improve performance of getfile.php
b). Record download logs by day
c). Limit download bandwidth per hour and limit bandiwdth by location
d). Detect if download is from proxy server, and disable it if it is disabled in admin panel.
e).View active download session by admin panel
f). Allow direct download by
5. Upload improvement:
a). Support IIS server
b). Change temporary directory by admin panel
c). Can keep extention or not
d). Flash progress bar available[turn on/off from admin panel]
e). Impoved progress bar
f). Change upload directory
g). Allowed/disabled file type based on host package.
h). Hide or disable upload methods based on host package.
6.Multiple language for FAQ and site news
7.Admin logins strict check: 3 times login fails will disable login for 15 mins
8.Impoved thumbnail creation:
Thumbnail configuration by admin panel>servers>edit
9.Set expired package for members who are expired. MFHS v1.1 use guest package.
10. Show guest package on service.php and register page
11. Captcha checking for report and contact page.[can be turned on/off]
12. Show or hide description and password for file upload
13. License system: We changed way of licensing. Fail license validation will only limit some features of admin panel. For example, you will not manage, such as add,edit, delete, host packages, but you still can view list of host packages. Disabled features include: Host package,servers, site configuration and payment gateway.
14. Improved multiple server setup feature:
a). Auto setup by scripts
b). Manual installation: you can download a install script for secondery from admin panel and upload the script to your secondery server to make installation.
15. 2checkout gateway added!


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